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Radio Temporarily Offline (Read 52,452 times)
Stellar Patriot

Posts: 43
Herford / Germany
Gender: male
Re: Radio Temporarily Offline
Reply #30 - 31st Aug, 2012 at 7:41pm
MickK wrote on 22nd Aug, 2012 at 4:28pm:
Grand Order Of The Sonic Screwdriver

GREAT !!!  Smiley

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What seems like a fairy tale today may be reality tomorrow.
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Stellar Owner

Stellar Attraction

Posts: 3,777
British Isles
Gender: male
Re: Radio Temporarily Offline
Reply #31 - 1st Sep, 2012 at 1:50am
ORION VII wrote on 31st Aug, 2012 at 7:36pm:
... I had noticed that S.A. had dissappeared from the vTuner database. Having now read this thread I know why.

Thanks Darran for bringing S.A. up again !

Donation is under way. Hope it helps keeping S.A. alive.

All the best,


Many, many thanks for both your kind words and donation, Orion. Smiley

S.A. should now be back within the vTuner database as normal.

Thanks again.

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Heracleum Mantegazziani
Stellar DJ

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Latitude 33°N/Longitude 117°W
Gender: male
Re: Radio Temporarily Offline
Reply #32 - 4th Sep, 2012 at 10:16pm
Welcome back Darran!!  Now I can listen on my I pad app once again!!

Cheers!! Smiley Smiley Smiley
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bottled in a strong confession, my distortion shows obsession
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Stellar Owner

Stellar Attraction

Posts: 3,777
British Isles
Gender: male
Re: Radio Temporarily Offline
Reply #33 - 5th Sep, 2012 at 1:57am
Many thanks, Don. The nightmare appears to be over ... Smiley
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Andrew P
Astral Traveller

Posts: 90
Hall, ACT, Australia
Gender: male
Re: Radio Temporarily Offline
Reply #34 - 10th Sep, 2012 at 6:32am
Uh oh! I hope this is trivial.

Currently playing track:
"Pink Floyd - Point Me At The Sky"

(Next) "-->"
Time      Last five tracks played
05:31:11      Pink Floyd - Biding My Time
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Stellar Owner

Stellar Attraction

Posts: 3,777
British Isles
Gender: male
Re: Radio Temporarily Offline
Reply #35 - 10th Sep, 2012 at 5:38pm
Andrew P wrote on 10th Sep, 2012 at 6:32am:
I hope this is trivial.

Yes, it was trivial, Andrew. Well in light of recent events, at least. Wink

Basically, the playlists didn't "swap over" as scheduled. I've been experimenting with PAL ('Playlist Automation Language') - a computer language bundled with SAM which enables me to be flexible and automatically change and generally fiddle with the music being played. This is the first time that things have "come to a halt" though due to my programming. So, apologies to both yourself, Andrew and anybody else who may have been tuned-in at this time. I manually loaded a fresh playlist before leaving to go for work today.

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