Stellar Owner

Stellar Attraction
Posts: 3,777
British Isles
Feature list for 2.3.1 is as follows :-
Description: One week early from the planned schedule of releases every 3 months, YaBB 2.3.1 is here! Many bugs have been fixed from version 2.3. In addition, we are excited to announce some new bonus features, including support for MySpace videos, a password strength meter, an option to search within YaBBC tags on the post search page, Net::SMTP::TLS mail support, and a backup recovery feature. We are also pleased to announce that YaBB is beginning to embrace Ajax; the features now using this technology to start out are Favorites, Notification, Moderator/Member QuickSearch, and Admin Delete. Version 2.3 began this trend with the Mark as Read feature. This will improve the speed of these functions and reduce bandwidth and server resources used.
BUG FIXES: ------------------------- - News conscript misaligning logo - Noimage display when resize image not found - UBBC code display in RSS - SMTP mailer - Moved message link - Backup email - Quote from first post - Post/reply count when using admin delete - Move post/reply count - Reverse display allowing users to select the order of Topics Summaries - Last Post display - Avatar load in SSL - PM recipient seeing cut subject - RE: display in moved messages - Mark as read issue on post indicator - Resize avatar on load in profile - Removed useless horizontal scrollbar in smiley window - Topic title being hidden from Guests in reverse post - Email notification not saving - Improvement on build of HTML-header - Problem with compressed output - Free Space Host hidden to Guests - Corrected translation "Send Email to" - Avatar zero limit grab - Security fix on Stealth mode - Fix missing # in Hex Color in Security Settings - Improvements on debug mode - Broadcast layout broken on replying to a Guest PM - Revamped move and post messages - Retitled BM's from Guests - Added path to Perl edits required, spelling errors & formatting corrections to Quick Guide - Disabled a guest.var - (") character not converted in Quote PM - Removed "S" display from incorrect Captcha entry - Cook.txt now removed after setup run - Reordered AdminSubslist - Completed URL at "with login access only at" - Repaired Skype link - Enabled long character posts - Removed Move/Delete buttons on the topic display page where shown even if the user is not allowed to move/delete - Removed extraneous characters from Setup in ModuleChecker - Repaired remove old topics reverses message index - Repaired option for suppressing PM message in list view - Repaired CSS z-index returns back after close - Safari quote - Email display - New board post display count in index - Layout problem in Template Configuration - Revamped UTC selection in Admin/Profile - New post attachment display - Disabled duplicate email use - "Members replying to this topic..." was displayed on the preview page also if it was a new thread - Added copyright link control to CSS - Corrected formating on Text/Icons on Y2.1 template and login area - Recode for last/next post on long threads - Defined GM editing Post Dependent Member Group & template edits - Defined Javascript for image resize and included enable/disable in Admin Center - Fix post count after remove topic - Improvement on SessionUpdate - Corrected Cookie write and code fix for Windows Servers - Enabled showcase poll for existing thread - Corrected some error reporting
FEATURE ADDITIONS: ------------------------- - Registration form validation via Javascript - Server Environment Module Checker - Media support for My Video, MySpace, - Search within YaBBC tags option - Net::SMTP::TLS mail option - More accurate last online X days and XX:XX:XX hours ago - Recovery feature added to Backup - Ajax & Javascript enabled for Favorites, Notification Clicks, Moderator/Member QuickSearch and Admin Delete - Post sort arrows for Topic View in Boards - Password Strength Meter - Output Compression methods available on server determined and only shows appropriate options - Enhanced move popup - New sessionid after profile login