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Chris Squire tracks being played (Read 6,696 times)
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Stellar Attraction

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British Isles
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Chris Squire tracks being played
29th Jun, 2015 at 9:58pm

Due to the awful news that Chris Squire has passed away, I have queued a large selection of his music from Fish Out Of Water, Conspiracy, Squackett and of course Yes.

In his honour, I will be playing further blocks of his music throughout the course of this week.

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Stellar Patriot

Posts: 92
Re: Chris Squire tracks being played
Reply #1 - 30th Jun, 2015 at 6:57pm

You are doing a STELLAR job in your Chris mix. Was absolutely devastated when I heard the news early Sunday morning Chicago time. I have had a 41 year bond with Yes, met Chris 10 times backstage, always sat "1st row-Squire" over the last 15 years of shows. Been to 57 shows in all. You hear of people golfing their age -- I guess, being 57, I have "Yessed" my age.

I have some comfort in knowing that I got yo witness him play all of Close to the Edge and Fragile the last time I saw him.   Cool

And sadness that I never will again.   Cry

Jeff from Illinois

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Yes Phreak

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Manchester, England
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Re: Chris Squire tracks being played
Reply #2 - 30th Jun, 2015 at 8:39pm
Great photo  there Jeff!!    Cool

RIP Chris Sad Cry
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Stellar Patriot

Posts: 92
Re: Chris Squire tracks being played
Reply #3 - 30th Jun, 2015 at 9:32pm
Thanks.  Here's another one from 2012. Nothing made us happier than seeing the "Awaken bass" lined up for that night's show.

High vibration go on
To the sun,
oh let my heart dreaming
Past a mortal as me
Where can I be
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yes_8-7-2012_2.JPG (1453 KB | 466 )
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Stellar Owner

Stellar Attraction

Posts: 3,777
British Isles
Gender: male
Re: Chris Squire tracks being played
Reply #4 - 1st Jul, 2015 at 11:58pm
Great to see you online, Jeff.

Thanks for sharing the photos - wonderful stuff !

I know personally how much of a Yes fan you are. In particular of Chris.

Continue to enjoy the regular programming with additional Chris for a few more days in his honour.
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