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Track currently playing (Read 5,249 times)
Stellar Patriot

I am not a number, I am
a free man !!!

Posts: 1,809
Stirling , Scotland
Gender: male
Track currently playing
10th Jan, 2010 at 5:52pm
I've noticed that the track currently playing is not always displayed correctly. I've seen this a couple of times especially with my new Squeezebox toy - I thought it was down to that, but I've now just seen the same thing happen on my Winamp player. What happens is that the display shows the same track is playing over 2 tracks !

It's really not a big issue as it happens rather infrequently, but I thought I'd mention it.



Just done it again (at 18.35) - but this time over 2 tracks. Tried resetting the Winamp player - still continued to show the same (incorrect) track.
Pendragon just came on & it's ok again.
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Stellar Owner

Stellar Attraction

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British Isles
Gender: male
Re: Track currently playing
Reply #1 - 10th Jan, 2010 at 8:21pm
Hi Jim,

Hmmm ... a strange one, to be honest. All I can think is that the issue you've experienced is connected to the free-form text that I drop into the 'currently playing ...' area every so often. Basically, advising the listener of the website, pleading for donations etc. etc. This really shouldn't affect the normal updates of the currently playing track though.

Anyway, thanks for pointing it out - I'll take a look.


PS Does anybody else encounter the same / similar issue ?

PPS One tip that I do have - and it's something that I do if I ever encounter problems listening to an internet radio statio, s to manually click on the 'stop' button and then 'play'. This will simply disconnect you from the stream and re-connect again - without having to close down your Media Player.
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Stellar Patriot

I am not a number, I am
a free man !!!

Posts: 1,809
Stirling , Scotland
Gender: male
Re: Track currently playing
Reply #2 - 11th Jan, 2010 at 8:57am
ProgMaster wrote on 10th Jan, 2010 at 8:21pm:
PPS One tip that I do have - and it's something that I do if I ever encounter problems listening to an internet radio statio, s to manually click on the 'stop' button and then 'play'. This will simply disconnect you from the stream and re-connect again - without having to close down your Media Player.

I tried that - but it still was displaying incorrectly.

As I said before it doesn't happen that often, so really isn't a big deal !  Wink
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