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Not Such A Bad Time To Donate (really !!) (Read 23,694 times)
Stellar Owner

Stellar Attraction

Posts: 3,777
British Isles
Gender: male
Not Such A Bad Time To Donate (really !!)
15th Jan, 2009 at 8:20pm

Like most of us, I'm fully aware of the uncertain financial times that we're all living in. But at the time of writing, the Pound (GBP) has taken a serious downturn against pretty much all other foreign currencies across the globe. This is bad news for me as I pay the ShoutCast server bill in US Dollars and have seen the monthly bill increase to well over GBP 100.00 per. month - bearing in mind that this is before either the website or SAM's ADSL+ Dedicated Business Line has been paid for.

But ... if anybody outside of the UK is considering making a donation towards the ever increasing bandwidth, server and CD costs and assist with the running of Stellar Attraction, your local currency will go a lot further when converted into my local currency - British Pounds.

It couldn't be easier, just click on the 'PayPal Donate' button on the front page of the website, just scroll down the page a little and click on the button to the right of the page.

You do not need a PayPal account to make a donation - just a valid credit card, that's all !!

Many thanks in advance.

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